Thursday, January 3, 2008

The News About The Iowa Caucus

Well, today is the day that the Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates pounce on Iowa to hold their caucuses. Each group trying to persuade Iowans to pick someone from their party to be the one candidate to run for President against the other party’s chosen candidate. All but one of the candidates was in Iowa campaigning yesterday. Mike Huckabee choose to go on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show and play bass guitar and trade jokes with Leno.

The difference between a caucus and a primary election is that in a primary, voters secretly fill out ballots and leave. In the caucuses, they are required to come and stay for several hours, and there are no secret ballots. In the presence of friends, neighbors and occasionally strangers, caucus members vote with their feet, by raising their hands and moving to different parts of the room to show their support for one candidate or another.

It will be interesting to see which candidates form each party gets the nod from Iowans tonight and then it’s on to the Wyoming caucus.

That’s the news today. I hope the news about you is good news.

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Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you mention the Wyoming primary, I have heard almost nothing about that... It's on the 5th. No one talks about it! I don't think I've seen any polls about how well people are doing there. I think that Ron Paul will win the Wyoming primary.

Baby Stroller Reviews said...

I know what you mean at this point every caucus and primary are important.