Monday, February 18, 2008

The News About The Beef Recall

The U.S. Department of Agriculture ordered the largest beef recall ever in the United States Sunday. They recalled 143 million pounds, which is 65,000 tons of beef. That’s a lot of hamburgers.

The USDA says this is a "Class 2 recall, which means there is a low risk of getting sick from the meat. The recall was due to the plant violating rules that prohibit the slaughter of "downer" cattle, which are cattle that are unable to walk.

The recall will affect beef products dating to February 1, 2006, that came from Westland/Hallmark Meat Co., which is based in Chino, California. They supply meat to the federal school lunch program and to some major fast-food chains.

Operations were suspended at Westland/Hallmark after a video was undercover showing workers abusing "downer" animals that were apparently too sick or injured to walk into the slaughterhouse.

I like beef products and hope that this isn’t going to hurt my beef consumption. One more thing, isn’t slaughtering the animals period kind of abusing them?

That’s the news about that. I hope the news about you is good news.

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